Monday, January 12, 2015

Toss & Turn- Soup & Salad Bar by Cedele

I was introduced to this new cafe called Toss & Turn by my special pal. It has two outlets: one at ION orchard which my friend said that it is always crowded and another outlet at Vivo city which was new. We went to the new outlet at Vivo and it was really empty. For their menu, you can order a base which can be purely veggies or a mixture of veggies and carbs, followed by 2 deli/protein or 1 hot main, 4 veggies/fruits/crunchies. So I ordered a mixtue of veggies and carbs for my base, smoked salmon and ham for my 2 deli/proteins, tomatoes, corn, green peas and egg as my last 4 toppings and caesar sauce. Overall, I would say it is pretty delicious because the sauce covers the bitter taste of the raw veggies and the serving was quite big but it was a little expensove at S10.50. Nevertheless, it was a good choice for a healthy eating:)

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